Monday, November 16, 2009

Talk, chat

Talking or chatting is one of a activity that we human always practicing. No-matter who is around we talk.
However, in my opinion, talking or communication is one of the important activity in our life. Once we stop talking one day, that is the time we suffer. Chatting allow us to share out what is inside you. It can be anything include fashion, games, life, school, feeling or anything else.
Besides, chatting allow us to free ourselves, gather others opinions may make us go through things more efficiently. By chatting, no-matter it is a verbal or non verbal communication, allow us to know more people, widen or social life. 

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Marriage can be defined as the union between two individuals. Marriage takes place in a ceremony called wedding and this ceremony is conducted in different manners depending on the culture of the bride and bridegroom. According to Wikipedia, there are about 36 types of marriages and a few of it would be discussed below :-

  • LOVE MARRIAGE - occurs when two individuals are mutually attracted to one another.

  • ARRANGED MARRIAGE - is the opponent to love marriage. It takes place when two individuals are introduced and match-made via relatives or friends.

  • INTER - FAITH MARRIAGE - two individuals who come from completely different religious or cultural background get married. Also known as mixed marriage or cross-culture marriage.

  • HUMAN - ANIMAL MARRIAGE - takes place between a man and an animal. This type of marriage was quite common in the past but seldom takes place nowadays.

  • DIGITAL MARRIAGE - occurs when two individuals meet via video games.



Dreams play a very crucial role in our lives. One third of a human life is spent by sleeping. Sleep deprivation has a deep effect on one's efficiency and ability. Hence, dreams are said to stabilize the psychological and physiological activity within us.

Dream can be defined as a series of pictures or events in a mind of a sleeping person. There are actually a few types of dreams :-

  • Daydreams - a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness. It normally happens during the waking hours where the mind is allowed to stroll and the awareness deteriorates.

  • Lucid dreams - enables one to take full control of their dreams and guide them towards the direction they want.

  • Nightmares - act as a reaction to real life traumas. It is an unsettling dream that causes a person to wake up feeling very frightened and worried.

  •  Healing dreams - are believed to be able to avoid health problems and may help in healing.

  • Epic dreams - when a person wakes up from such dreams, he or she would realize that they have discovered something extraordinary about themselves.
All in all, dreams are not just mere imagination that occur during our sleep. Instead, it is a very broad and interesting subject all on its own.


Friday, November 13, 2009


With all the stress in life, for the young and the old, the only medicine that can reduce stress level and prevent any diseases due to stress, is laughter. Laughing has been scientifically proven as a cure for stress and worries. It helps to create positive thoughts in people. There is a saying which goes, ‘To laugh is not a chance but a choice’. Besides, laughing is also said to be contagious. In my opinion, people who can make other people laugh are truly gifted. I have met a few people with this characteristic and I would say that they are really one of a kind. They are able to crack jokes at the nick of time. I have heard many jokes from my friends and below are some of them (have fun reading):

1. Mike: “How much is my mobile bill?”
Call centre girl: “Sir, just dial 123 to know current bill status”
Mike: “Stupid, not CURRENT BILL my MOBILE BILL.”

2. After finishing MBBS John started his practice. He checked 1st patient's eyes, tongue & ears by torch & finally said:
"Torch is okay"

3. Friend 1: Oye, what will happen if electricity is not discovered?
Friend 2: Nothing, we must watch TV in candle light.

4. Mani in airplane going to Bombay. While landing he shouted, "Bombay... Bombay "
Air hostess said: "B silent."
Mani: "Ok.. Ombay. Ombay"

5. Teacher: "What is common between JESUS, KRISHNA , RAM, GANDHI and BUDHA?"
Student: "All were born on government holidays!!!”

6. Teacher: “Which is the oldest animal in world?”
Student: ” ZEBRA”
Teacher: ”How?”
Student: ”Because it is Black & White”

7. Judge: ”Don't you have shame? It is the 3rd time you are coming to court.”
Defendent to judge: ”You are coming daily, don't you have shame?”

8. Question: "Should women have children after 35?"
A smart person replied: "No! 35 children are more than enough!!"

Posted by: A.Padmassini A/P V.Anand


Since I was young, I hated the thought of speaking in front of people. It made me nervous. The main reason I had this fear was because of my stammering problem which I had, as far as I can remember, ever since I started talking. This was the reason why I preferred to not to talk to any strangers but only my close friends and my parents. I would say that my stammering was kind of weird because as I grew older, it came for few months and then disappeared for about 2 months and after that came back again. It was so irritating. It will come during my oral presentations in school or when I wanted to tell something very important to someone. It would spoil the effect of the message that I wanted to convey.

I have had many bad experiences due to stammering. During my primary school days, some students used to tease me, but thankfully, I had a friend who was always there to support me. Bless her. Even my cousins would laugh at me when I stammered while talking to them. They found it very humorous. Only I knew how it felt each time I stammered, I felt very shameful and my confidence went down the drain. When I went to secondary school, I dreaded the moments when the teacher called me to read out something. I was a prefect. Unfortunately, in my school, the form five prefects were required to be the master of ceremony twice a year during assembly. I thought to myself , ‘Great, now the whole school will know that I stammer and I am definitely going to make a fool of myself’. Well, it was not that bad after all. I managed to pull it off with all my friends’ moral support.

After my form five examination, I realized that all my friends were not going to be with me in college. I was on my own now. Even worse, I had to live in a hostel. I had no choice but to start talking. Now, I would say that I am a bit better than before. If I stammer, I try to accept it and take it positively; even though it still hurts at times. Nevertheless, I still have a long way to go in building my confidence level. Good luck to me!

Posted by: A.Padmassini A/P V.Anand

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Marriages are said to be made in heaven. However, nowadays, marriages do not even last for a year or recently, some marriages only lasted for 24 hours. Why is this happening? Well, I would say that the fault usually lies in both the parties. Before marriage, people are lovey dovey couples, but after marriage they start finding faults with each other and when they are unable to tolerate each other, they opt for divorce. Below are some jokes on married couples that are also fruit for thought:

* They say that marriage makes a man dizzy, and it's

true.. As soon as I got a wife, I lost my balance at the


* Men want 3 qualities in wives: Economist in kitchen,

artist in home & devil in bed.

But they get artist in kitchen, devil in home &

economist in Bed.

* Q: Why do women live longer than men?

A: Shopping never causes heart attacks, but paying the bill


* Before marriage: Roses are red, sky is blue. U r

beautiful, I luv u.

After marriage: Roses are dead, I'm blue. U r my

headache, one day I'll kill u.

* Getting married is very much like going to a restaurant

with friends.

You order what you want, and then when you see what the

other person has, you wish you had ordered that.

* Man: Is there any way for long life?

Dr : married.

Man: Will it help?

Dr : No, but the thought of long life will never come.

* Why do couples hold hands during their wedding?

It's a formality just like two boxers shaking hands

before the fight begins!

* Wife : Darling today is our anniversary, what should we do?

Husband: Let us stand in silence for 2 minutes.

Posted by: A.Padmassini A/P V.Anand


It is true that there are differences between the ways males and females communicate their messages. This can cause conflicts between both the genders. Besides, there are a lot of things that girls do not realize or understand when it comes to boys. Below are a few things about boys that will be helpful for girls who are currently in a relationship:

1. Guys are more emotional than you think, if they loved you at one point, it'll take them a lot longer than you think to let you go, and it hurts every second that they try.

2. Guys may be flirting around all day, but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

3. Guys go crazy over a girl's smile.

4. Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him.

5. Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-boyfriend or ex love-interest. Unless they're going for the let-her-complain-to-you-and-then-have-her-realize-how-wonderful-and-nice-you-are method.

6. A guy who likes you wants to be the only guy you talk to.

7. Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved.

8. Guys are very open about themselves.

9. If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.

10. A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you.

11. Guys love you more than you love them.

12. Guys use words like hot or cute to describe girls. They rarely use beautiful or gorgeous. If a guy uses that, he loves you or likes you a whole hell of a lot.

Posted by: A.Padmassini A/P V.Anand


     Most of us have the fear of speaking in public. We are usually afraid of making mistakes, being laughed at and many more. There are actually a few steps that should be followed in order to make your speech much more effective as well as to give you and your audience a better experience.

     Firstly, look at your presentation format. Find out who your organizers are, how much of time you have, and then start planning your speech.

     Next, find out the location on where you would be delivering your speech. This would help you visualize the context of the event.

     Thirdly, prepare an outline of your speech. Once you have a main idea on what you would be speaking about, then you can spend some time structuring the entire speech.

     Then, remember to time yourself. Do not finish your speech too fast and also, don't exceed the time limit.

     Most importantly, build your self confidence as this would help you to feel more calm and relax while you are delivering your speech instead of feeling nervous.

     Finally, practice your speech as often as possible to ensure that you do not forget your speech ; remember that ' Practice Makes Perfect.'



     You can also be a good leader if you want. All you require is the willpower, training, education and of course, sufficient experience. Leadership can be defined as a course of action by which a person influences others to attain a purpose and directs the organization in a way that make it more organized. Below are a few qualities that can be found in a good leader :

  • Ability to listen
  • Trustworthy
  • Ability to acknowledge and change
  • Calm
  • Ability to communicate
  • Ability to influence a group of people or an organization
  • Confident
  • Enthusiastic
  • Honesty
  • Fair-minded
  • Inspiring
  • Intelligent
  • Courageous
  • Creative
  • Innovative
I believe by applying these qualities and values in our daily lives, we too can be good and successful leaders.



Interviews are part and parcel of many people's lives. People who are inexperienced in interviews should always practice, practice and practice. It is important to practice because when nervousness takes over, the whole interview will be screwed. When interviewing for a company that has its own products, always be prepared to answer questions relating to the product. Before going for that interview, give yourself few weeks and do some research on the company and product. There is nothing worse than not knowing the product of the company that you are going to work at. The next step is to prepare your physical appearance. Always remember to dress right for job interviews. The aim is to look professional but do not overdo it. You may also want to feel comfortable in what you are wearing. Avoid wearing shirts or skirts that are to tight. Dressing professionally gives you that boost of confidence that you need.

On the day of the interview, remember to arrive at least 15 minutes early. Showing up late leaves a bad first impression of the interviewer. Always be polite to the interviewer. Be aware of your non-verbal behaviour. Sit straight when talking to the interviewer and do not slouch. Often smile and give eye contact to show that you are interested in getting the job. Other than that, listen carefully to the questions asked and give thoughtful, to-the-point and honest answers. Always ask for clarification is you do not understand the question. After the interview, note down important details. Also, it is important to send a email to thank the interviewer, because it shows the professionalism in you.

by Jillian Cheong Ping Ling